21 January 2025

Walking from Wood Green to Knightsbridge

Wood Green and Knightsbridge are 15 stops apart on the Piccadilly Line and they are also 18km apart using the route I took today.

The route was suggested by my usual walking companion who likes walking through parks and there were several on this route.

We had dome something familiar before, in 2020, but I managed to find a few different paths along the way and we also went a little further this time.

We wanted to start at Alexandra and Wood Green is the nearest convenient station. We joined the 8:57 queue at Richmond Station, changed at Hammersmith and were in Wood Green just under an hour later.

The route from there was pretty straight forward series of parks: HIghgate, Hampstead, Primrose, Regents and Hyde.

When walking between them I took us onto some new streets and managed to add 19 to my CityStrides LifeMap despite this being pretty well walked territory for me.

We took a short coffee break just after leaving Hampstead Heath and revisited Euphonium for the first time since 2019!

The transition from Hampstead Heath to Regent's Park was problematic because a) I tried to walk several new roads and b) all of the footpaths that I proposed to use were gated. Hence the awkward squiggle in the middle of the route.

There is no best way between Regent's Park and Hyde Park and in my quest for new roads we have walked a lot of them but there are still quite a few to do. Luckily this is an area we walk through several times a year so I expect to eventually complete all of the roads there.

Unusually, I took a few photos along the way. Normally I do not bother as the act of taking a photograph interrupts the walk but this time I wanted to show more than just a map.

I had not walked through the centre of Muswell Hill before and made a point of doing so this time and that is where I found this impressive steakhouse.

This is as close as we got to Kenwood House before we turned south again to battle with the muddy paths on Hampstead Heath.

It is impossible to go through the Primrose Hill, the park, without climbing the actual hill to get this popular view of London. I liked the greyness of the sky that still left visible the prominent landmarks from Shard to Eye .

The statistics say we did 18.5km in 4 hours and climbed 200m along the way (is that all?!) but map and the pictures tell a more accurate story and this was a delightful walk.

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