28 February 2025

Rainbow in Rock at The Cavern (28 Feb 25)

Seeing Rainbow in Rock playing at The Cavern in Raynes Park is a great habit to be in and this was my first chance to do so in 2025.

A lot about the evening followed the familiar lines with plenty of good songs played brilliantly, lots of people I knew there and some decent beer (Wainwright) to drink. Any evening that ends with Stargazer, Highway Star and Smoke on the Water has to be a great evening.

There was one slight, and good, change which this photo reveals. The keyboards had a bigger influence this time and that was due to increasing the number of sets of keys from one (played at an odd angle) to three.

22 February 2025

A Streetcar Named Desire at Noel Coward Theatre

I saw this production of A Streetcar Named Desire at Almeida Theatre just over two years before and, despite some misgivings, I really liked it. Then I had seen it on my own but its brief return gave me the chance to take my wife as her birthday treat.

The move to the west end upped the price a lot and having paid £25 for a front row seat the first time I paid £56.7 for Grand Circle C25.

My two previous visits to Noel Coward Theatre were also to Grand Circle and for similar prices so I knew that this was a reasonable place to sit and a fair price to pay. Being able to check where I have sat before is one reason that I note that part of the experience.

Seat C25 was end of the row and gave me an excellent view. The brain quickly adapts to static obstacles like the safety rail and it made no difference to my enjoyment.

Like last time, Streetcar got off to a bad start with some excessively loud and pointless drums and some equally pointless choreography. 

Then Blanche DuBois started to speak and the play started for real and everything was alright.

Possibly because I had seen this play a few times and this production once before, I was able to immerse myself in the dialogue and revel in its richness rather then having to spend any effort following the story.

It helped immensely that the dialogue was delivered with extreme skill; Patsy Ferran spoke frenetically and at length while waving her arms while Paul Mescal was blunt and loud.

There was some more distraction from drums and rain but these were minor and while these were unnecessary and unhelpful they were little and did nothing to detract from sheer brilliance of the script.

This was (almost( perfect theatre and I loved (almost) every minute of it.

15 February 2025

Hoaxwind at The Oak (15 Feb 25)

After something of a hiatus (including Covid), Hoaxwind have been performing fairly regularly again and I have been reasonably regular in going to see them but completely hopeless in noting those concerts here. I will try to do better.

The Oak is not a great pub for music due to its "U" shape (with the band playing at the top end of the right arm of the "U") and is sometimes not a great pub for a pub with a very limited choice of beers. This night I was drinking Guinness because there were no cask bitters available.

The right arm of the "U" was full, as usual, so I was standing in the base of it, as usual. The view of the band is not great there and the sound quality is not great either but there is space to stand without being jostled and somewhere to put your drink so most of the people that I knew were in that area. And there were quite a few people that I knew out that night.

Hoaxwind have changed personnel a few times over the years, and a two of the originals were there watching, but their sound and set has not changed that much and we got a series of great songs (mostly) from the late '70s. Obvious highlights included Spirit of the Age and Hassan I Sahba.

It is good to see Hoaxwind back performing regularly and I look forward to seeing them again soon.

Walking 16km for several good reasons

The main reason that I was in London this day was for a National Demonstration for Palestine. The route varies each time and on this day we marched from Whitehall to USA Embassy in Nine Elms.

When congregating at Whitehall at 12pm it was obvious that this was going to be another large march and that the enthusiasm for meaningful peace was undimmed by the length of the latest stage of Israel's genocidal aggression or by the temporary lull while hostages help by both sides are exchanged. Trump's plan to turn Gaza into an American beach resort probably encouraged a few more people out.

As always it was a peaceful march and it was lightly policed because of the anticipation of this. We also has the usual Jewish groups out in support and a (very) few Israel flag waving idiots clustered at one point. 

Having completed the march it was time for the second thing on the to-do list and my younger son and I headed to Peter Jones on Sloane Square to buy a mattress. They had a surprisingly large number on display which made making a selection that much harder but we managed to find what he wanted.

The third objective, which is always there when I am walking away from home, was to walk some new roads to add to my City Strides Life Map, hence the wiggly bits at the start end end of the route. That was another success and I added 22 streets.

The fourth objective was simply to do as many steps as possible and in walking 16km I did just that.

The final objective was to take part in a special Pokemon Go event on that afternoon. That was the lowest priority and out of a possible eight raids I managed just two, which was enough for me.

With all five objectives met it as a productive and enjoyable five hours well spent.

12 February 2025

Walking 37km to West Hampstead (and then...)

This was a journey in three parts, it was meant to me two but we will come to that.

I was able to start early on my monthly walk to West Hampstead from the British Czech and Slovak Association social so I could take a very indirect route.

My regular walking friend was also going to the social but had a lunchtime appointment so could not walk all the way with me. We agreed to meet at Waterloo at 4pm which gave me plenty of time to get some distance under my belt and also to tick off a few new roads, that is the wiggles around Wandsworth and Battersea.

As always new roads brings new sights and it was a genuinely enjoyable walk, despite the various no-through-toads that I had to walk down and then back out the way I came.

My friend was running late and I was running later so we changed the meeting point to Vauxhall. From there we walked almost directly to West Hampstead where with just a few minor detours I was able to tick off a few new roads in Maida Vale.

We arrived in West Hampstead almost dead on plan at a shade after 6pm.

Then disaster struck.

My friend tripped on the cobbled entrance to a side road and started bleeding quite badly. With a lot of help from concerned passers by and a resident we were able to staunch the initial bleeding, clean him up just a little and, having got no success from the ambulance service, one of the helpers booked an Uber to  Royal Free Hospital. 

That was immensely useful as being strangers to the area we had no idea where the hospitals with A&E were. As it happens, RFH is just of Hampstead Head and we had walked past there several times, most recently on 21 January.

We got to RFH at 7pm and he had his triage soon after that. What followed was a series of fixes and scans (a head injury is always a worry) and while the treatment was good it was very slow.  Sadly the snacks vending machine was broken so my evening meal was three unremarkable cups of instant coffee.

He was admitted for the final stage of the emergency treatment, stitches, after 11pm and was not due to be seen for some time after that. He was in good spirits (considering everything) and was being closely monitored so I left him in their care and took the last train home, which left Hampstead Heath at 11:45. It was a long night for me and a longer night for him.

His adventures continued. He was discharged from hospital around 2pm and ordered an Uber home. He was tired and suffering from a head injury so he failed to notice that he was being taken to a street with the same name in Croydon rather than Richmond. He did get home eventually, sometime after 3pm. 

The fall put a rather obvious dampener on the evening which was a shame as the 37km in the seven and a half hours before that had been a lot of fun.

11 February 2025

Boys from the Blackstuff at Richmond Theatre

I need a reason not to see something at Richmond Theatre so I was always likely to go to Boys from the Blackstuff and in this case I had the very positive reason that I had enjoyed both the original play and the subsequent TV series by Alan Bleasdale in the '80s.

That was more than enough for me to fork out £26 for seat Dress Circle A19.

I do not recall the details of the original series, it was over forty years ago!, but I suspect that this was a companion piece rather than an adaptation. 

Original story or not, it very much had the felt like the show I remembered with a mix of desperation and humour as ordinary people fought for work in Thatcher's Britain.

What was new, or I missed it the first time, was the way that even those that were in work or were employers were trapped by the same system. Nobody was winning.

The most memorable character from the series was Yosser Hughes, with his oft repeated phrase "Gizza job", and he was put centre stage here too which I though overshadowed the other important stories a little. Making this version of Yosser Hughes look like the original did not work for me either and it almost veered into pastiche. Luckily the strength of the other characters and the other stories was enough to keep the "boys" of the title plural.

The staging was impressively simple,  flexible and appropriately industrial. In some ways it was the star of the show when everything else was good. Running a close second was the script that wove the stories of the various characters together to create a single narrative that informed and entertained.

Boys from the Blackstuff was not the Alan Bleasdale classic but it was a very acceptable substitute and a timely reminder of what neo-liberal politics does to ordinary people.

10 February 2025

SWLH: Democracy Under Threat?

I go to most of the South West London Humanists (SWLH) discussion meetings but I remain bad at writing them up afterwards, despite always taking notes. 

The exception this time is more an attempt to get back into the habit of posting something that a response to this particular topic; though democracy is something I think and talk about a lot so I was particularly interested in this opportunity to discuss it further.

Oddly, despite my interest in this topic I took no notes during the discussion. I will try to explain why.

The discussion was seeded by a short presentation on the history and status of democracy and we were then asked to consider the threats and opportunities for it. What I felt was missing was any definition of democracy or any argument for why it is necessarily a good thing and without that foundation the conversations were very superficial. 

There was also the false assumption that democracy is ok now but is threatened by people like Trump. Whereas we already have a system where a lot of people do not register to vote, even more do not vote at all, the Government frequently breaks its own laws, media is controlled by a few billionaires with very firm agendas and the judicial system is ineffective because it is swamped.

Yes, we should consider things like maximum terms for elected officials, people's panels and other voting systems but they are all just minor tweaks to a failed system. 

For me, the bottom line is the world is in a nasty state (global warming, poverty, oppression, etc. etc.) and democracy has no answer to any of these and may well have caused most of them. We should judge democracy on the results it achieves for society and not on whether we like the people who get elected or not.

9 February 2025

Space rock at The Half Moon

I had never heard of Here and Now or Paradise 9 but a friend said I would like them and other people I knew were going so it seemed like a good idea. One worth investing £15 in anyway.

Lots of other people thought so too and the event was sold out.

The pub being very busy and it being a Sunday meant that my evening meal for the day was a packet or ready salted crisps. Not for the first time. The Young's Ordinary was a welcome accompaniment.

Paradise 9 were led by three guitars with one of them doing the electronic space rock stuff. They only played their own songs, unlike most space rock bands I have seen who play some or only Hawkwind songs, but they had a familiar space rock vibe and I liked them a lot.

Here and Now were similar but different. They were led by two guitars and keyboards. Their heritage is very space rocky going back to '74, includes a splash of Gong and their leas guitarist used to be in Hawklords (he was with them when I saw them in 2017), but they sounded less space rocky than Paradise 9. Indeed I struggled to identify any bands that they did sound like, the odd riff sounded like something from the early '70s but it was a loose connection to the music of that period but nothing more than that.

Most of the people there, certainly those all around me standing at the front, were there for Here and Now who were technically the headline act but it felt like a double-headliner to me, they played for about the same length of time, and I preferred Paradise 9.

8 February 2025

Kew Orchids (8 Feb 25)

The Kew Gardens Orchid Festival is very much part of my annual calendar (and their's!) and I like to go early to see what it is like so that I have time to go again, and again, if it looks good.

Being a member of Kew Gardens I can go to the gardens any time for free (and take a guest) and as the Orchid Festival is free the only issue is getting tickets which are now required to manage numbers.

I would normally avoid a weekend but my sister and two of her friends wanted to come up from Dorset to see it so we had to go for a slot at 11am on a Saturday. There was a queue but we got in soon after the allotted time. 

Many people had obviously not been to Kew Gardens before, let alone the Orchids Festival, and initial progress was slow as people stopped to look at everything, even before we got to the Festival part of Princess of Wales Conservatory,

The crowd of people continued as we entered the first section as that is where the main display is. A lot of people were taking photos of themselves and of each other with the cascade of flowers behind them.

Walking slowly was not a great problem as we wanted to see and enjoy everything too. As always there was a mix of colourful flowers and model animals to make the festival fun for the whole family.

A one way system was in operation (again) taking us through to the temperate zone at the far end from where we had come in and here there was more of a focus on the models than the flowers.

Immediately after that we were back in the warmth and back amongst the flowers. The orchids delighted, as usual, in their colour and their variety. 

The final model display, just before the exit, was this spectacular whale shark.

We were a little hampered by people at times (any subsequent visits will be at quieter times) but not that much and it took us almost exactly an hour to complete the tour. An hour very well spent and hopefully yo be repeated.

5 February 2025

Macbeth at Olympic Theatre

There were two major versions of Macbeth on in London in 2024 and I chose to see the Ralph Fiennes and  Indira Varma version rather than the David Tennant and Crush Jumbo one. There were various reasons for this including the unusual staging of the first at Dock X and having a David Tennant version of Macbeth freely available on BBC Sounds (something BBC does not make enough of). That decision proved to be good and I absolutely loved Macbeth at Dock X.

Due to its obvious popularity the Tennant/Jumbo version returned to the stage and while I was more tempted this time, it being several months since I had seen a Macbeth, the pricing put me off what was not an urgent see.

Then it was broadcast in cinemas and paying just £20 was a lot more tempting than paying, say, £160 for a much worse view in a much less comfortable seat.

I have not yet found a regular pre-theatre place to eat in Barnes and on this evening I ended up having a plant-based burger in Coach and Horses which did the job.

From the start this was a radical version of Macbeth, staged in the round with a plain white stage and no props. The perimeter was black and in there lurked some of the cast, dressed in black, who provided off-stage voices. This included the three witches who we never saw.

The audience were wearing headphones and I never worked out why.

The final technology was the actors' microphones, an unexpected technology given the small size of the theatre. They were small and discrete and while they would have been hardly noticeable to the theatre audience they were very obvious to us watching in cinemas due to the many close-ups.

This was also a slightly abridged version running for about 90 minutes whereas the radio plays are almost 120 minutes. There is a lot of verbiage in Shakespeare so it is easy to cut stuff without impacting the story but while the text is unnecessary it is poetic and I find it hard to believe that it ever makes sense to ever cut any of it. And, rarely, the cuts here were large enough for even me to notice when some of it had gone.

All that said this was still a might fine production of a mighty fine play. The simplicity of the staging and the good lead performers, as at Dock X, allowed the play the space it needed to shine.

4 February 2025

Walking 19km from Kings Cross to Canada Water

After the great success of last week's point-to-point walk (Gloucester Road to Waterloo) we went for something similar this week.

I wanted to go a little further east to visit some lesser known areas and, hopefully, a few unknown ones. 

The immediate constraint on the route was river crossings going east of Tower Bridge meant the Greenwich Foot Tunnel. A second constraint was only being able to use the tube before 9:30am so that gave us Kings Cross as the best start point.

And so, once again, we were at Richmond Station waiting for the barriers to open to old people at 8:57. As always, I walked to Richmond which gave me a 6k head start on the day's step count.

From there I had come up with a rough route to Greenwich that took in several parks, notably Shoreditch Park, Haggerston Park, Weavers Field, Stepney Green, Bartlett Park, Jubilee Park and Mudchute Park. None of these was brand new to me but usually I had walked past them and the intention this time was to walk through them.

Shoreditch Park was an immediate success...

... though finding any information on this impressive sculpture ws a complete fail - there was no information board nearby that I could see and the best that I could find online was a reference to the "javelin man statue" being moved within the park to this location.

Weavers Field lacked interest except for this centrepiece.

From there we continued our drift east and south with me constantly on the look out for new roads to walk which were more or less on our route.

We were also on the lookout for a cafe and had to wait a while for this as we were in areas of large housing developments with few shops and nothing to attract us. Google mentioned Beans & Beyond in Limehouse so we headed there.

I was expecting a trendy cafe, going solely on the name, but it was an odd, but effective, amalgam of a working me's cafe (all day breakfasts) and a coffee shop. I ordered a Red Velvet cake to go with my coffee and was very surprised when it arrived with three scoops of ice cream! We had thought at the start of the day that we might end with a full meal somewhere but this coffee break made that unnecessary.

Getting into Canary Wharf was not a lot of fun as we had to cross a busy dual-carriageway on the footbridge serving Poplar DLR station and then follow that road a little way before walking past a construction site to get into the centre of Canary Wharf.

Our route then was basically due south and I managed to find a route that included a few new roads without us being trapped on the wrong part of the isle by docks. Luckily there is a bridge by Crossharbour.

Before we headed underground and under water, we looked back across Mudchute Park towards Canary Wharf.

We had thought about walking all the way to Vauxhall but time and age were working against us so we walked up to Canada Water in Rotherhithe instead. We followed main roads for directness and this suite me as we had not walked them before because walking beside the river is much nicer.

Last week's point-to-point walk set a very high standard and I think this one equalled it. We are going to have to think hard about where to go if we hope to match these walks next time.

30 January 2025

The Invention of Love at Hampstead Theatre

Hampstead Theatre is one of those places that I like to think of as somewhere that I go to regularly only to find out that I have not been there for three years (The Forest by Florian Zeller in February 22) so it was good to have an excuse to go back. The excuse came courtesy of a play by Tom Stoppard starring Simon Russell Beale.

Hampstead Theatre is quite small and from my experience of the place I knew that seats at the back are still good and so I went for Dress Circle Row C Seat 20 at £36. Frustratingly they have changed the seat numbering, there use to be just one sequence of rows A to (at least) N, so it is hard to compare with previous visits, which is the whole point of me noting seat numbers and prices.

All I knew about the play was that the subject was A E Housman, and I had forgotten that by the time that the performance day arrived.

And all I knew about A E Housman was that he wrote the poem A Shropshire Lad  which did not help as the play was about his life as a Latin scholar, which I did not know anything about.

The play started with Housman's death and took a look back at his time as a young man at Oxford University. 

There were lots of discussions about the Classics including the accuracy of the various sources and subsequent translations. I am not a Classicist but I actually found these discussions quite interesting, perhaps encouraged by recently seeing The Browning Version which played in the same area.

The students were less interesting, other then as a view on life at that time, thought there was a marked change when Wilde made a late appearance and risked stealing the show..

The Invention of Love came across as theatre for theatre purists, the construction of the play was intelligent, the staging was interesting and effective, and the cast was strong. I am not sure that it needed a big name to play the old A E Housman but I am am not going to object to seeing Simon Russell Beale on stage again.

In many ways The Invention of Love was really not my thing but the quality of the show won me over and I enjoyed it immensely.

28 January 2025

Walking 19km from Gloucester Road to Waterloo

This walk with my regular walkee was essentially his plan, and one we have used many times, with a few diversions suggested by me. 

His plan was to walk through Hyde Park, through Covent Garden, cross Tower Bridge and finish at Waterloo. My variations were to include some roads we had not walked before which explains the indirectness of the route through the West End and the more southerly route south of the river back to Waterloo,

The weather forecast was not great and we were prepared to abandon the walk early if it became unpleasant to continue but the rain was little and infrequent and in the end we went further, 19km, than the 15km originally planned.

That also meant that we were out long enough for us to stop at a proper cafe where I had the customary all-day vegetarian breakfast which, uncustomary, came with chips. I forgave them the chips and was grateful for the respite that Al's Cafe in Bermondsey Street offered.

The walk took us to several interesting places thanks, I will claim, to my hunt for new roads. Amongst these were Lincoln's Inn, a new shopping plaza off Long Acre which Stanfords had relocated to, the former Prudential building by Chancery Lane, and Phoenix Garden on Stacey Street.

A lot of the familiar places, such as Covent Garden and Tower Bridge, were well worth another visit too.

Familiar and unfamiliar, there was lots to enjoy on this walk and we went home a little tired, well fed and very satisfied.

27 January 2025

Summer 1954 at Richmond Theatre

Summer 1954 is two one-act plays, Table Number Seven and The Browning Version, by Terence Rattigan paired together as one show. I am not a great Rattigan fan (normally) but as a serious theatre-goer it made sense to see some serious theatre  on my birthday.

As it was my birthday I pushed the boat out a little and paid £50 for seat Dress Circle A 21. This is more that I would normally pay for Dress Circle and I head up to Upper Circle for the more expensive productions but this was my birthday and I was worth £50 (plus a little bit more for beer and ice cream).

I head heard The Browning Version on the radio but too long ago to remember much about it, and Table Number Seven was new to me so I was looking forward to hearing two new stories.

Table Number Seven came first and we set in a hotel in Brighton where several elderly people lived. 

The story was about one of them who had been caught acting inappropriately (for 1954) and the reaction of the other residents to this. These reactions varied from hostility to indifference as they discussed how the hotel should respond.

There were other events going on in the residents' lives and these gave all of the characters a richness that made the main story compelling and believable. 

It was all the little character details and the great skill of the ensemble cast that made the play a great success.

The Browning Version had a different setting and a different story but the theme and construction was the same. Events happened and we learned more and more about all of the characters.

It was all the little character details and the great skill of the ensemble cast that made the play a great success.

In both plays one character has to make one big decision in the main story line and while there was drama in that it was all the little steps along the way to those decisions that mattered. They were two rich and rewarding plays. Ideal for a theatre loving birthday boy!

25 January 2025

Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake at Sadler's Wells (25 Jan 25)

Sadler's Wells has the admirable habit of running a Matthew Bourne ballet over the Christmas period and in to the New Year and my equally admiral habit is to go on, or near, my birthday. This year it was a slightly refreshed Swan Lake and that is as close to unmissable as you can get. I have seen it many times for very good reasons.

Frankly, £45 for Seat 4 in Row A of the Second Circle was something of a steal.

The pre-theatre meal in Banana Tree, a regular venue for me, was a near disaster despite booking a table beforehand. For reasons never explained, we had to wait almost half an hour for a table. At least they were reasonably apologetic about it, priorities our order and gave us a discount. The food was good too.

That little annoyance over, I settled into my seat ready to be swept away by the music and movement.

I think I spotted a couple of very minor changes in this production (there may well have been many more that I missed) but it was very much the show that I knew and loved and I loved it again.

I have nothing to add to what I have said about Swan Lake before, it is just a sumptuous mix of music and movement that captivated me for a couple of hours.

I thought that it had only been a few months since I saw Swan Lake at the cinema but, apparently, it was almost a year and a half ago. Here's hoping that the next wait to see it is not to long either.

NAOMI In Fashion at V&A

I had a few hours to fill before a theatre date and was with two women so we decided to fill the time with the NAOMI In Fashion exhibition at V&A. 

We were all members of V&A so we could just turn up and walk in, which we did having first taken advantage of members' privileges to drop out coats of in the cloakroom for free.

It was a fairly small exhibition, unlike say Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty which had been on in the largest space and this was, appropriately, in the fashion space, as Wedding Dresses had been. That suited me as while I was not quite there under duress I do not think that I would have gone but for the external influences, unlike the other fashion exhibitions which I had definitely been up for.

I had not followed Naomi Campbell's career at all and only knew the things forced on me through the mainstream media. I probably could have learned a lot more about her life had I read more of the exhibition notes but it was not her life that I was interested in, it was the clothes that she had worn, and she had worn some incredible outfits (using "incredible" in several ways). 

I was also interested in the way that she had been photographed. There were plenty of outfits and photographs on display so that was good.

The common factor in the exhibition was Naomi and as that did not interest me I found the collection of clothes by many different designers to be a disjointed exhibition.

I was also surprised at how few of the outfits actually impressed me and it is telling that I have chosen an Alexander McQueen one. If I had to pick another it would have to be a Vivienne Westwood tartan outfit.

NAOMI In Fashion did not do a great deal for me but it did enough, and it was free.

It was also at V&A which meant that I could go and have a coffee and a cake in the Members' Room afterwards. A fair start to a busy day.

Tarantula at Arcola Theatre

I have a Google Alert running for Philip Ridley and I believe that I have seen every production of his plays in London over the last ten years or so (and one in Brighton too) so I was always going to go to see Tarantula and it was a nice bonus that it was on at Arcola Theatre, one of my very favourite theatres and where my love affair with the works of Philip Ridley began in 2014.

Tarantula was a new piece for the stage (it had been done online) but I had some idea of what to expect as it was part of a series of monologues that I saw in 2018. One of the actors then was Georgie Henley and it was pleased to see that she was doing Tarantula.

Some of his other monologues from that period are still on line at We Are Tramp and are well worth watching.

These monolgues are of various lengths had the usual Ridley mix of darkness, surrealism, real life, comedy and savage twists, all the things that make me love the plays so much.

Tarantula is narrated by a young woman (or man, it does not matter which) who lives at home with her parents, an elder brother and a much younger sister. She falls in love, twice, and we here the details of chance encounters, first hesitant dates and the consequences of unexpected events.

The first romance ended particularly badly, thanks to the spider, hence the need for the second. 

The play was incident rich and had me fully engrossed for ninety minutes, so much so that the lights going off came as a complete surprise. The way the scenes were string together reminded me a little of Under Milk Wood with the first romances being used as the thread to link the stories. Each romance was a major plot line across the stories with the first ending violently and the second ambivalently (much as Gators had).

Tarantula was sold out so I guess there are quite a few Ridley fans out there and we saw a play that had all of his hallmarks, which is all that I hoped for. We also saw an astonishing solo performance that included a lot of emotion, movement, expression and words. It was award winning stuff and I suspect that the awards will come.

Tarantula was a reminder of what makes Philip Ridley so special and also of how good and actor Georgie Henley is and why Arcola Theatre is such a good venue. Three out of three.

21 January 2025

Walking from Wood Green to Knightsbridge

Wood Green and Knightsbridge are 15 stops apart on the Piccadilly Line and they are also 18km apart using the route I took today.

The route was suggested by my usual walking companion who likes walking through parks and there were several on this route.

We had dome something familiar before, in 2020, but I managed to find a few different paths along the way and we also went a little further this time.

We wanted to start at Alexandra and Wood Green is the nearest convenient station. We joined the 8:57 queue at Richmond Station, changed at Hammersmith and were in Wood Green just under an hour later.

The route from there was pretty straight forward series of parks: HIghgate, Hampstead, Primrose, Regents and Hyde.

When walking between them I took us onto some new streets and managed to add 19 to my CityStrides LifeMap despite this being pretty well walked territory for me.

We took a short coffee break just after leaving Hampstead Heath and revisited Euphonium for the first time since 2019!

The transition from Hampstead Heath to Regent's Park was problematic because a) I tried to walk several new roads and b) all of the footpaths that I proposed to use were gated. Hence the awkward squiggle in the middle of the route.

There is no best way between Regent's Park and Hyde Park and in my quest for new roads we have walked a lot of them but there are still quite a few to do. Luckily this is an area we walk through several times a year so I expect to eventually complete all of the roads there.

Unusually, I took a few photos along the way. Normally I do not bother as the act of taking a photograph interrupts the walk but this time I wanted to show more than just a map.

I had not walked through the centre of Muswell Hill before and made a point of doing so this time and that is where I found this impressive steakhouse.

This is as close as we got to Kenwood House before we turned south again to battle with the muddy paths on Hampstead Heath.

It is impossible to go through the Primrose Hill, the park, without climbing the actual hill to get this popular view of London. I liked the greyness of the sky that still left visible the prominent landmarks from Shard to Eye .

The statistics say we did 18.5km in 4 hours and climbed 200m along the way (is that all?!) but map and the pictures tell a more accurate story and this was a delightful walk.

20 January 2025

Twelfth Night at Orange Tree Theatre

I had not been to Orange Tree Theatre for a little while, by my standards, for various reasons but Shakespeare is always tempting so I forked out £29 for a seat in the second row (B45).

The billing for the show included "Oliver Ford Davies, one of the leading Shakespearean actors of his generation, returns to the OT to play Malvolio, opposite Jane Asher as Maria" and they both made the poster but while it is always good to see fine actors that was not part of my decision making.

This Twelfth Night was set in the 1940s and featured music and songs played on a piano in the middle of the stage. That might sound a little extreme, perverse even, but I found it to be a fairly honest version of the play and it was all the better for being so with the original words doing all of hard work.

Well, nost of the hard work - those words needed good actors to deliver them and with this cast we had them. In an ensemble performance I will pick on just two for special mention, Patricia Allison (also in the poster) as an earnest Viola and Robert Mountford as a gloriously funny Andrew Aguecheek.

Twelfth Night is one of Shakespeare's funnier and more approachable plays and this version was a lot of fun.

14 January 2025

Walking from Hammersmith to Vauxhall

My regular walking companion often suggests that we walk along The Thames and while I prefer new territory (which is increasingly hard to find) I like The Thames too so I often agree to his suggestion. The stretches close to Kingston and Richmond are very familiar to us so we prefer to start a little distance from home and on this day we settled on Hammersmith. The end point was to be determined later depending on time.

We followed Thames Path most of the way, crossing from the north bank to the south bank at Battersea Bridge with me forcing us to take a few small detours to take in roads that we had not walked before. Doing that enables us to discover things like South Park in Fulham and impressive looking Victorian school building opposite it.

The two highlights on the north bank were both newish housing development, Chelsea Riverside where we walked through the nicely landscaped grounds and Powerhouse where we admired the conversion of the former Lots Road Power Station.

On the south bank we took a scenic route through Battersea Park to walk around the lake rather along the river for the umpteenth time.

We almost came a cropper at Battersea Power Station where it looked as though we would not be able to get through the site and we got right to the end of the wide path along the river before we found a small turning to the right that took us back on to the main route.

One of the reasons we walk that section several times a year is because of the constant building works which means there is always something new to see and criticise.

One of the newer building is the American Embassy and it is always good to see the Palestinian flag flying nearby.

We had done 15km by the time we got to Vauxhall so that seemed an appropriate place to stop. It was only lunchtime so there was plenty of time for more walking later in the day.

11 January 2025

My podcasts (January 2025)

Podcasts have become extremely popular in recent years allowing people to make podcasting their day job which is a far cry from when I first started listening to them in 2006.

I have written about podcasts a few times since then and I did a list of everything that I subscribe to in 2019. It is time for an update.

Looking back at that 2019 list there are a few podcasts that have been cancelled and which I miss greatly; these include Digital Planet, Material World and Stuart Maconie's Freak Zone. There are also several that I have fallen out of love with, hence the need for a new list.

I am not going to go through everyone of them, you can see what they are, but I will say something about some of the new ones.

The FT news briefing is my attempt to listen to financial news that focuses on the finance and leaves the political stuff to other shows. I gave up on all of the BBC finance shows for that reason and while it is far from perfect the FT news, being American based, is at least fairly neutral about UK.

Here Comes The Guillotine is funny chat with a twist of politics and I like that it is very Scottish with a strong dollop of Irish. The different perspective makes it more interesting.

Happy Heat Pump is new and has yet really to find its feet. I expect to be getting a heat pump in the not to distant future and I was hoping that this would help me with the various choices (water or air to water or air) but it, so far, added more complexity, e.g. solar panels and batteries, to what was already a difficult decision.

Trashfuture is an intelligent look at the world today through justifiable cynical eyes and is delivered with humour. I've been to see live recordings, twice.

The World This Week is another attempt to get away from the dreadfulness of BBC and covers the political news with a French perspective.
Cory Doctorow's podcast is cantered on his many books, fact and fiction, both of which have a heavy technical content which suits me.

Limelight is a BBC drama podcast. BBC seems not what to do with podcasts and it is unclear how they choose what to release as full podcasts, as podcasts that you can only subscribe to on BBC Sounds and which are just drama shows on BBC Sounds. I like the flexibility of podcasts (e.g. no 30 day limit for listening) and wish BBC would release more drama that way.

Moral Maze is there because sometimes we have Humanists debates on the same topics. It usually a pretty poor discussion and it drives me mad. I should stop.

The Political Fourcast is another BBC alternative, this time UK politics from Channel Four.

99% Invisible is a gem. It talks about design in a way that entertains and informs in equal measure. Unmissable.

No Gods No Mayors and Well There's Your Problem are adjacent to Trashfuture but lack its precise direction. If I walked less and so had less time to listen to podcasts then I would probably drop these.

The War on Cars does what is says on the tin. It is American where the car problem is even greater but the problems and solutions they discuss apply to us too.

Page 94 is a Private Eye fill-in between the print issues and is excellent.

It's Bloody Complicated is a political discussion from Compass, an organisation that I belonged to for a while. Not particularly original or challenging but it is good to hear something from the centre-left.

BBC Best of Today stopped before I could unsubscribe and is only here because of the special Christmas programmes where they have guest editors. If it every comes back properly then I will unsubscribe.

Trash Talk and Uncensored are comedy podcasts by well known comedians who manage to make some good political points along the way.

Michael Spicer No Room is a topical sketch show which manages to stand head and shoulders above the many other topical sketch shows. There has been one full series and a couple of once-offs. I am hoping for a lot more.

8 January 2025

Walking to West Hampstead (8 Jan 25)

As long as I have sufficient time and the weather is not too unbearable,  I like to walk to the monthly British Czech and Slovak Association Get To Know You Social at Bohemia House ("serving the Czech and Slovak community since 1946") in West Hampstead. The factors driving my choice of route are the time available, location of Pokemon Go target gyms and finding roads I have not walked along before.

This time I had six hours available (I would have preferred more!) which had to include some sort of a break for lunch.

I started with a well walked path to Richmond, Isleworth and Brentford before following the canal north then west.

The time limited how far west I could go, it was walking in the wrong direction, and I turned off the canal at Glade Lane Canalside Park and headed through a part of Southall I had not walked before.

Previously I had walked thought the commercial centre of Southall which was far more interesting that the suburban area I went through this time.

I turned east to walk through parts of Ealing that I had hardly touched before. The map below is part of my CityStrides LifeMap with this walk highlighted. There is a very obvious barren area in the centre of the map around Park Royal. This proved to be a very industrial area and I will not be rushing back, despite the numerous unwalked roads there.

The aim of seeing new interesting things was not really achieved, though anything new always has some interest even if it is an industrial estate, and there were a few nice new places on this walk, such as the west to east crossing of Brent Rive Park.

The substantive aims of the walk were definitely met, I arrived in West Hampstead almost spot on 6pm having covered a decent 30km in a little under six hours.

1 January 2025

I averaged 28,811 steps a day in 2024

I very mixed year for walking mainly thanks to health issues, generally I am fit and can easily manage 30k steps in a day but I had several stays in bed for a few days and a couple of operation too both of which seriously eat into walking time.

At times during the year I was hoping to average 30k steps, and was on target to do so, but flu type illnesses hit me hard in November and December and in the end I had to settle for just under 29k steps, which I am very happy with.

My totals for previous years are:
  • 2023: 27,080
  • 2022: 29,142
  • 2021: 26,128
  • 2020: 27,919
  • 2019: 23,908
  • 2018: 19,365
  • 2017: 18,047
The big jump from 2019 is because I retired and had lots more time for walking. That shows that I am spending my retirement well!