Entering by the main entrance by Kew Green I followed the Broad Walk west, past the Nash Conservatory until a decision has to be made on whether to turn right or left.
While you pause to make that decision you can enjoy the decorative roundabout dense with pink tulips determined to defend the urn in the centre.
I then headed right towards the ponds and Kew Palace.
The rear gardens at Kew Palace are a masterpiece of structural design and their formality contrasts wonderfully with the rest of Kew Gardens.
But I have chosen to highlight the side courtyard instead. Everything about this picture is nice; the courtyard floor, the planters that break up the space, the brick wall of the building, the worm blue door and the tree that has found refuge there. Just beautiful.
From there it is a short walk to the Azalea Garden, the purpose of today's visit, and it's easy to see why.
I could have chosen dozens of photos just of the azaleas with their breathtaking colours and delicate shapes. The yellows are reds shown here are joined by girly pinks, virgin whites and fiery oranges.
And, this being Kew Gardens, there is an abundance of benches where you can rest and swim in the colour and scents.
I always leave Kew Gardens from a different gate to that which I entered and this time I headed south towards Victoria Gate (the biggest of the entrances). The route there takes you past the impressive Palm House.
There you also find a large flower bed with hundreds of flowers regimented by colour in to formal shapes that dance across the lawn drawing your eye with them.
This visit to Kew Gardens took around two hours and shows just some of the variety and pleasure on offer. It is a place you have to visit several times to know and then several more to fully appreciate.
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