24 August 2024

Walking from Hendon to Becton (33km)

My aim of walking Capital Ring for a second time took a good step forward with another four sections, 11 to 14, taking me from Hendon to Becton.

The walk was something of a mixed bag for me as I have walked parts of this several times, including the somewhat long and dull section starting south of Olympic Park.

I also took a different route through Highgate Woods from the last time and I failed to find the nice cafe there. I took the easy option and made up for this my going to the cafe in Finsbury Park and having their all-day veggie breakfast, not for the first time.

There were some highlights and I liked walking through the new development on the lakes at Woodberry Down. I also enjoyed the slight detour through Middlesex Filer Beds Nature Reserve thanks to the industrial remains. Previously I had always continued along River Lee and I do not know how official the detour is regarding Capital Ring but I am glad I took it.

The stop for the veggie breakfast through y schedule and after almost six and a half hours I called it a day; I was tempted to do Section 15 too but I had to get home and leave it for another day, another day soon.

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