27 October 2024

Change NHS: A consultation


The new Labour Government has said that "Our NHS is broken, but not beaten. Together we can fix it." and has launched a consultation to start the process (I would have gone with money first but that's another story). 

I wanted to respond to that consultation for several reasons, notably because I have worked with business change through IT for most of my career and also I am quite involved with the NHS as a patient at the moment. The NHS matters to me and I think that my views on it are relevant.

I am putting these views in my blog so that I have a record of what I said and I can also share them easily when I want to.

The consultation is online at change.nhs.uk.

The 3 shifts

The consultation covers the 3 shifts, widely trailed before, as"big changes to the way health and care services work – that doctors, nurses, patient charities, academics and politicians from all parties broadly agree are necessary to improve health and care services in England".

These are:
  1. moving more care from hospitals to communities
  2. making better use of technology in health and care
  3. focussing on preventing sickness, not just treating it.
The consultation then asks questions on these. I quote these questions and give my answers.

Q5. In what ways, if any, do you think that delivering more care in the community could improve health and care?

There appears to no rationale behind this idea other than the slim possibility that because more appointments are more local then fewer will be missed. Specialised services are provided through large hospitals for several good reasons from economies of scale to the frequent need to treat patients will multiple conditions.

I see no health and care benefits in doing this.

Q6. What, if anything, concerns you about the idea of delivering more care in the community in the future?

Healthcare provisions is already fragmented, e.g. dentistry and optometry, and having separate centres for other services risks further fragmentation with the need to visit several centres for one condition.

Small units are likely to be inefficient, e.g. a surgery facility at a GP surgery will either be over staffed to ensure that it meets all demand or under staffed at some times leading to more waits.

People often have multiple needs and being co-located means it is easier to address them at the same time, for example, to get an unplanned x-ray for a patient. When working on Business Transformation we called this "one and done", i.e. fix everything on one visit.

Small specialist units will focus on the one thing that they do and will lack the patient's full context to provide the best service. This happened to me when a private surgery unit missed the possibility of skin cancer and this went undiagnosed for a few years. This fragmentation may kill me.

Q7. In what ways, if any, do you think that technology could be used to improve health and care?

Again, the described benefits of this are weak at best and they are all claims made about other large IT projects that spectacularly failed to deliver. I have worked on some of these and the example of Horizon at the Post Office is fresh in our memories.

The idea that patients need only tell their story once misses two very important points, each specialist needs to hear and questions a different part of that story and that story will change over time (do you smoke, what medications are you taking, how active are you, how stable is your weight etc. etc.) and so it must be retold for accuracy.

Using AI to review scans is an obvious thing to do but it is hardly transformational. The only way that this could help significantly would be if we took lots more scans but that would be an additional cost on the NHS.

Technology is too often portrayed as a magic wand, it is not.

Q8. What, if anything, concerns you about the idea of increased use of technology in the future?

I am concerned that the benefits are overstated and could not be delivered without substantial additional investment (beyond the basic hardware, software and networks) in things like data cleaning and ID cards.

The basic technology, e.g. exchanging packets of data between systems, is easy but does not help because the data quality is pretty low and inconsistent and so sharing it will only make things worse.

I have worked on large IT systems with simpler data, e.g. spare parts held in stockrooms, and every project had to start with a large data cleaning exercise and even that does not solve all of the problems as some of the answers are unknown, e.g. a supplier code does not match any code used by any supplier. Similarly in systems involving people you will often find several dates of birth of something like 01/01/1900 where people have made up data just to get past that screen. Or, even worse, used a special data as a code for something else that has been long forgotten but which is useful.

There will be significant inconsistencies in the data between systems. To pick another example I have direct experience of, there is not a standard list of Nationality codes so things like the Census and Schools (both part of UK Government!) use different lists. These lists also change over time so while a younger person may be identified as, say, Bangladeshi their parents may be just Asian. I picked this as a simple, easy to understand example, other parts of health data are far more complex and far more prone to inconsistency. Agreeing standard lists will help but will take time and will make the data cleaning longer.

And one key part of the data is missing, a unique identifier for each person. Who remember's their NHS number or carries a card with it on? A national ID card system could help (after a lot of time and money) but there will always be gaps, e.g. recent arrivals.

I would be very surprised if you could get the data at sufficient quality to share in less than eight years and employing thousands of people for that long is expensive.

Q9. In what ways, if any, could an increased focus on prevention help people stay healthy and independent for longer?

This is where the focus should be, though not necessarily for the reasons given. We should enable people to be healthier so that they can live more fulfilling lives, not just to save the NHS money. People play sports for fun not to keep out of hospital.

The consultation gives no idea of the scale or ambition of "tackling the causes of ill health" but these need to be bold to first address recent declines in population health (e.g. obesity) and then to significantly improve them.

That means being brutal with manufacturers and retailers over things like smoking, processed foods, alcohol, etc. We know many of the major causes of ill health and should address these seriously.

Going back to school lunches for all school pupils and breakfasts too for primary pupils would be a major boost to wellness and is probably the easiest and quickest option the Government can implement.

In 2023, there were 132,977 casualties on UK roads. We must do a lot more to address this, including stricter enforcement with harsher penalties and redesigning roads to manage out traffic.

Managing out traffic is a win-win as it reduces traffic accidents and also encourages people to use other and healthier means of travel. In the early 70s I went to an edge of town secondary school and hardly anyone went there by car, we need to get back to those days.

Q10. What, if anything, concerns you about the idea of an increased focus on prevention in the future?

My concern is that the Government will back away from the big necessary changes under pressure from lobby groups claiming that it is trying to implement a "nanny state". If these measures are to work then they must be bold.

15 October 2024

Here in America at Orange Tree Theatre

I try to support Orange Tree Theatre as it is one of my nearest and while its programming is not always to my taste there was a lot going for Here in America, the phrase "multi award-winning plays for the RSC and National Theatre" as did the presence of Shaun Evans the star of Endeavour.

That said, Orange Tree Theatre is proving to be quite popular these days and when I finally got around to booking my options were limited and I had to settle for a high stool in the third row, Lower Floor C30, at £35. The late booking also meant I ended up with a distanced performance (first introduced immediately post-Covid) which was just as well as my third row seat would have had poor visibility if not for the spaces in the first two rows.

Here in America looks at McCarthyism through the eyes of playwright Arthur Miller and his frequent collaborator director Elia Kazan. Their discussions, and actions, were mostly around whether to give the names of other possible communist sympathisers when they were interrogated. 

And that was about it. The play was essentially a documentary on a specific part of the proceedings of The House Committee on Un-American Activities and while it was interesting to hear the views of Miller and Kazan it was a story with little drama.

I also felt that in setting the play wholly in America in 1952 the opportunity was missed to say something about the echos of McCarthyism in modern politics, such as the way that all criticism of Israel is called unpatriotic, despite the very obvious genocide and war crimes.

The lack of any real drama or message was a shame as the production was very good in all other aspects. I very much appreciated the theatre of the show and the skills of all those bringing it to the stage but I was left wondering what the point of it all was.

12 October 2024

The River at Greenwich Theatre

There are certain things that I look for when selecting a theatre performance to see and the name Jez Butterworth is one of these. 

It helped that it starred Paul McGann and was on at Greenwich Theatre which I had liked on my first visit to see Vincent River in 2024 (yes, the two plays I have seen at Greenwich Theatre are Vincent River and The River). A front row seat (A27) for £21, thanks to concessions, was an offer that I was not going to refuse.

Greenwich is fairly central but it still took a mainline train, a Jubilee Line train and a DLR train to get there. Luckily the connections were good (though having to climb up the emergency escape steps at Cutty Sark was not great) and I got there in good time for bit of a mooch and a coffee with cake before heading to the theatre where I had a pint of local Meantime beer before the show.

The story to The River is superficially simple, a middle age man has short term relationships with multiple women that follow the same course but while the story is simple the storytelling is anything but and that is what makes The River rather special.

The main technique is to interweave the stories of two of the women so we see similar scenes played out with the two female leads, Kerri McLean and Amanda Ryan, with one leaving the set to be replaced by the other repeatedly. The stories are non-sequential so, for example, we see one woman ask about a drawing she has found and then we see him doing the drawing. This is all done very nicely so that it is not too complicated to follow nor too clever for its own sake.

Making sure that everything was perfect, the stage was very effective as were the sounds (mostly of a river) and the lighting. Greenwich is quite a small theatre and it was punching above its weight here.

I said that the story was superficially simple and some time later I am still thinking through some of the deliberate loose ends and uncertainties. A play that makes you think afterwards is a good thing.

The River was a thoroughly engrossing and stimulating production which I enjoyed greatly.

6 October 2024

Goldrush at The Half Moon (6 Oct 24)

Once upon a time Goldrush were called The Honeyslides and I saw them whenever they played at The Half Moon in Putney (which was every six months or so) and I have been carrying on that tradition under their new name. The only difference over the years of seeing them is that they had a new dummer this night and the occasional female backing singer has not been at any of the recent concerts.

There have been other small changes, Luke (on the left) now plays piano too, some of the songs have changed and the music technology has had several upgrades but their concerts essential remain Neil Young and Crazy Horse playing Live Rust, and that is all I could ever ask for.

12 September 2024

NT Live: Prima Facie at Olympic Cinema

Like many people I was tempted when I saw that Jodie Comer would be appearing on stage but the pricing quickly put me off.  This happens quite a lot and I though no more of it until it was broadcast in cinemas as part of National Theatre Live where paying £20 was a much more attractive prospect, as was a comfortable and wide seat in Olympic Cinema Barnes.

My almost non-existant research told me that Jodie Cromer was staring in the play but I had missed that she was the only actor in it. I had also avoided any clues as to the story.

Jodie Cromer plays a young rising barrister who understand well how to get witnesses to say what she wants them to say to get the outcome she wants. She narrates her story directly to us and while there is quite a bit of movement and a few props there is little need for either other than to lift it from a story to a play.

All is going well in her life until she is raped which gives her the role of victim in a judicial system she knew so well. The play makes the good point that victims have a hard time in rapes cases as there are usually no witnesses and the victim's sex life can be used to suggest that the incident was consensual. A good point but one which I think is well understood and it did not need a play to make it.

To make that point, and to contrast her role as barrister then victim, this case went to court but, as is also well known, the vast majority of cases do not and there was not enough evidence in this case to justify a court hearing.

With the story compromised, the play relied on the performance of Jodie Comer and while this was good it was severely constrained by the narrative style which took a lot of the emotion and drama out of the story.

I though that Prima Facie was good but not great and I was glad that I had not paid West End prices to see it.

5 September 2024

The Band Back Together at Arcola Theatre

I do not get to Arcola Theatre in Dalston as much as I did when I worked within walking distance but it is still something of a favourite and I welcome any reasonable excuse to go there. The very reasonable excuse this time was a new play by Barney Norris. My first exposure to his work was also at Arcola, Visitors in 2014, and since then I have seen productions of his at Bush and Bridge theatres as well as Arcola again.

It was very early in the run and my preview ticket for front row seat A11 was just £20. 

Dalston may be gentrifying but my pre-theatre eating operations have reduced over the years, e.g. I had been to Farr's before and their website was promising but on that night they were not doing food. Not for the first time I was forced into The Speakeasy, a semi-outdoor space, where the food and beer did the job nicely. It is really time that I started thinking of this place as a proper option for eating rather than a fall-back.

The play was downstairs in Studio 2 which has a nice cosy feel in which the front row seat added to the intimacy.

The simple premise behind the play was that three people who had been in a band eighteen years ago (half their lives) were coming back for a once-off performance having had no contact in the meantime. 

The eighteen years of catch-up provided a lot of rich material. They had parted as little more than children and had become adults in the meantime with adult jobs and adult families. Their experiences had been mixed and there were both light and dark stories.

It was a touching story of three people leading three separate lives each with their own joys and frustrations. The way those stories were told was intelligent which kept me engaged and natural so it felt real. That realness helped to hide the clever things going on in the script, which only reinforced its cleverness.

The play was set in their rehearsal sessions and we got a reasonable amount of music which was a bit punky and interesting lyrically and musically. It was a far step from the standard fare delivered by most musicals. I liked it.

Barney Norris was there to see how things went and it was good to be able to share a few words about this and his other shows. The chance to speak to a creative is one of the joys of smaller theatres.

The Band Back Together was my sort of play in my sort of theatre. A wonderful evening!

30 August 2024

Walking from Becton to Crystal Palace (37km)

One of the reasons that I wanted to walk Capital Ring again was that I had not always mapped my walk (using, er, MapMyWalk) the first time so sections of it did not appear in my City Strides Life Map leaving a lot of white space in the Lewisham area.

Another reason was that I would not have gone to Woolwich if not for walking Capital Ring and I liked what I saw there, enough to want to see it again.

Capital Ring is 15 sections and 126km and my rough plan was four days of 30km each but that was a hard square to circle as the sections are of uneven lengths and SE London has two long sections (over 12km) which brought the four Sections 15 to 3 up to 37km.

I suspect that the sections are longer in SE London because of the relative lack of public transport for convenient start/end points and that certainly made this day harder than the others, it took me best part of two hours to get to the start point and more than that to get home.

Woolwich was again my highlight of the walk and I would have liked more time to explore (the app actually made me walk further than I needed to, which was a bonus!).

Woolwich is one the up and there is no greater proof of that than this collection of sculptures, Assembly by Peter Burke. There was also a trendy cafe next to it where I had a coffee and cake break.

After that it was a succession of parks and hills, none of which were particularly remarkable.

This is Oxleas Wood and, to be honest, is not the sort of view I go walk for; give me buildings any day.

The relentless stream of parks and suburban roads meant no pubs for several hours and I finally got a much needed pint in a Wetherspoons in Brixton; why Brixton and why a Spoons is a story that does not need to be told.

That only leaves three sections of Capital Ring to go and, while that is essentially home turf, I am quite looking forward to it.

27 August 2024

The Biba Story at Fashion and Textile Museum

I was only vaguely aware of Biba at the time though the pull of its brand was enough to entice my sister up from Weymouth when she was still in her teens. Most of my awareness was to do with the branding and little to do with the fashion but the Fashion and Textile Museum has a good habit of telling interesting stories about fashion so I was keen to see this exhibition.

The simple plan for the day stumbled a little at the start as I was going to have lunch at their cafe but I forgot that it had been closed and the space converted to something else. Luckily there was plenty of choice nearby and I settled on Al’s Cafe where I rejected the option of a veggie breakfast because it came with chips and, instead went for Al's Breakfast which was much the same but without chips. It was very much a working person's cafe but the knew to do poached eggs and smashed avocado. It hit the spot perfectly and I would go there again.

As usual, Fashion and Textile Museum crammed quite a lot into a fairly small space and it was a slow walk around the exhibition looking at all of the garments (it was mostly garments) and reading the stories behind them.

The fashion exhibitions that I usually see, mostly at V&A, are on high-end fashion, e.g. Alexander McQueen, and in contrast to that I found most of the fashion uninspiring, though it was interesting to see some very period outfits. A lot looked like they could have come from M&S but that probably tells you more about what I know about fashion than it does about Biba.

Amongst the fairly average dresses and suits were a few stunning outfits. My favourite was a unisex trouser suit which a psychedelic pattern and widely flared trousers. I like to think that I have the courage to wear something like that. There was also a spider dress, so called because it looked as though it was covered in webbing, that was distinctly glamorous.

Biba's style changed quite a bit over the years and the texts listen all sorts of influences so there was little commonality across the outfits other than they were designed for tall thin women with few curves.

It was a fashion exhibition so while it mentioned the designs of the various shops there was only one photo of one and I do not recall reading anything about the production process, other than the sourcing of fabrics. The high turn-over of designs suggests something like today's fast fashion but that was an untold story.

On nice thing about the exhibition was that many people had clearly dressed for the occasion and the visitors were almost as interesting as the exhibits. One was even wearing a Biba trouser suit and I took the opportunity to say how much I admired it.

My simple metric for exhibitions is how long I spend there and this one occupied me for all but an hour which, given the size of the venue, was quite an achievement.